Fortnightly Update #7

Welcome to the seventh music update of the year

The first complete draft of the Imperialism: Reinvigorated main theme is complete!

Will it be the last draft? We shall see. I will not yet share the full piece, but I will share a snippet from near the end.

Hopefully you remember the excerpts you've heard before; the ending is dramatically different. At the beginning of the piece I guided the music to be tense, driving and iconic. But in the later part of the piece, the music caught up to me and stretched out ahead. It is an interesting case of the music guiding me to where it wants to go. As I wrote the music, I had a spectacular ending in mind. But where the music took me was somewhere completely different.

Listen to it and hear the difference from the earlier sections! Hopefully, you will recognise the rhythm that flows underneath on the brass, and notice how the mood has totally shifted. This is further reinforced by that last chord you hear, which finally moves the music in a major key. Musically, it is glorious, and can be read to have many meanings. But we are not here for that - we are here for good theme music and based-as beats.

So we shall see if it makes the final cut! In the meantime, I will begin working on the two additional pieces that will come to accompany the mod - hopefully in two weeks I can begin the share the beginnings of these!

Enjoy and see you in two weeks!

- Utopia