Fortnightly Update #26

Welcome to the twenty-sixth music update of the year

Today's Agenda:

~ Ante Bellum OST

~ Mod releases & updates

~ Music update

Ante Bellum OST

Did you miss the announcement? Check it out here.

Let's take a first look at the new Ante Bellum Original Soundtrack!

Ante Bellum is a mod for EU4 that overhauls the setup in 1444 to an alternative timeline where some key events, such as the Reconquista, never happened, but without changing any of the core gameplay mechanics.

In creating an OST for this scenario, I decided to focus on the residual religious conflicts which are are accentuated by this mod. I created 3 major themes, or motifs, which form the basis of most of the 16 pieces of music:

  1. The "Empire" theme, as heard in the already-released Main Theme, to represent the various empires, be it in decadence or a golden age.

  2. The "Catholic" Theme, as related to the "Piety" theme in TOTOW, to represent the interests of the Catholic Europeans.

  3. The "Islam" Theme, a new theme, to represent the interests of the nearby Islamic World (particularly around the Mediterranean).

Through this, the music covers a mixture of peace/war and catholic/islamic religions, with some additional generic pieces.

Mod releases & updates

A patch has been released for the Themes of the Old World EU4 mod to give unique compatibility with Elder Scrolls Universalis! In the spirit of the mod the music will play depending on how you interact with the various races within the ESU world.

General updates

The Themes of the Old World EU4 mod has passed 10k subscribers on Steam! It's incredible to see so many people enjoying the music as they play the game. Thank you for listening!!

The last music update of 2021 will be on the 31st, where I will wrap-up the year and talk a bit about plans for 2022. In January I will be posting weekly dev diaries on the AB OST up until release!

Have a great festive season (if relevant).


- Utopia