Fortnightly Update #4-2022

Welcome to the fourth music update of 2022

We're back with 3 more snips from the new atmospheric* Anbennar music track.


Snip #4

This snip is a very slow, gentle and long-winded rendition of the iconic Anbennar opening theme, but modified halfway through. In a more atmospheric context, it represent just everyday Anbennar life, the curiosity and normality of it all. It doesn't call attention to anything special, unique or grand. It just exists. And hopefully, as an atmospheric piece it blends nicely into the background to give that Anbennarian context to the world the music is creating.

Snip #5

This snip sounds like it could be from a different piece of music, in particular some kind of epic buildup or coronation of a king. But no, this is the atmospheric background for the second half of the piece - or at least as far as I was willing to push the definition of "atmospheric". The music here is a little more active, and it would almost be happy if it weren't for the sad violin over the top. Like you were standing on the walls of a great city and gazing over the fields in a pensive manner. At least in this snip you really hear the blend of organ and choir that I've used to try create a more atmospheric effect (whether it is a success or not is another story)

Snip #6

This snip follows only a short time after snip #5. You can hear the same riffs and motifs going, but there is a melody over the top. I included this snip purely because I like it! It is the one and only rendition of the Anbennar theme in a major (happy) key. The Anbennar theme was originally built as glorious, but dark. Yet here it is turned into something uplifting and noble. Like a soft fanfare that makes you proud of your country.


This piece will come with the next Anbennar update later this month!


- Utopia