Fortnightly Update #7-2022

Welcome to the seventh music update of 2022


My original EU4 music now has a wiki page! On this page you should be able to find quick access to things like:

  • YouTube/Streaming links

  • Cross-compatibilities

  • Steam workshop

  • Trivia

I will keep it updated as music comes out. Please let me know if you feel like anything is missing!


There is a poll running on my YouTube channel asking: Which version of the Anbennar main theme do you like more?
I see you have all been working hard to keep the results at a nice 69/31 split toward the original theme. Nevertheless, if you haven't voted yet, then get amongst it!


Dusk of an Empire released almost two weeks ago and was my fastest ever song to reach 1k views on YouTube! The response and feedback far exceeded my expectations, which is great encouragement for me.
If you haven't listened yet, then please check it out and let me know what you think!

New Music

I anticipate there will be one or two new releases over the next month. I'll briefly talk about one that was particularly unique. Have a listen to the snip below while you read!

This piece was briefed along the lines of: Military march and National Anthem for a Persian-cultured American country. My mind wandered to a strange combination of Indiana Jones, and the Persian Scale. The two were nearly completely incompatible - especially from a melodic and rhythmic viewpoint: the Persian flat 5th was particularly problematic combined with traditional Western chord structures.
My solution? Combine them, but don't always overlap them. In the snip the melody is marching in the Persian Scale, but at the end it slips into a grand Western-style fanfare.


- Utopia