Fortnightly Update #9-2022

Welcome to the ninth music update of 2022

After a great week-long vacation I finally succumbed to mainstream trends and caught covid. Unfortunately, this week, I have been fighting like a Spartan, but so far I have been unable to operate beyond like 70% capacity, tops.

In other words, I'm sick and I feel like a potato.

Although I'm on the mend I haven't yet gotten into a state where I can focus and write some decent new music. With that in mind, I have not commenced my planned work on Extended Timeline. I haven't progressed any other projects either, known or secret. I even attempted to start composing Ante Bellum's 1.8 music, because I already know what I want to do, but the music I made was not great.

Instead I have been dealing with administrative and other minor matters including, but not limited to:

  • Cities: Skylines

  • 2nd birthday celebrations

  • Automated music mod generation for EU4 (you can find more on this in the EU4 Mod Coop Server on Discord)

It's behind-the-scenes stuff, so not very exciting, I know. But it helps me do what I need and want to. That said, Utopia's 2nd birthday, on August 1, is definitely something you can all take part in.

Finally, before I melt away and hope for a full recovery by the next project update, don't miss today's new release! Composed as a Persian-American style Anthem, Song of Acadia's People, is the National Song for the fictional country of Acadia. It's not an EU4 project, but I still think it's really cool and I had a lot of fun working on it.

Anyway, see you in two weeks! Hopefully I will be able to create some WIP music by then.


- Utopia