Monthly Update #3-2023

Welcome to the third music update of 2023

The Past

There are three things to note for this month:

  1. The release of the Times of Victory main theme, The Jubilee! This is a cosy little baroque/classical string orchestra piece for a new Victoria 3 Mod set in the aftermath of the League War. It's something I wrote last year when the game came out and I'm excited to now be able to release it alongside the mod's v0.1 alpha release!

  2. A couple new pics across social platforms, building further on the iconic hat and space theme. If you're looking for Utopia on Spotify, look for the Pokemon Trainer-like drawing! (Sadly Apple rejected the new portrait on Apple Music so I've fallen back to an older pic)

  3. The full theme music for Ante Bellum's 1.9 update has been completed! Need I say more?

The Future

Secret project work is still secret and still going. The music coming to life is sounding incredible, so hang in there for it!

But, the even better for you is that releases are going to start warming up a bit for the next few months while I clear the backlog and lay the groundwork for the second half of the year. You can expect to enjoy a bunch of new main themes for EU4 mods, as well as a first listen at the new Ante Bellum music.


- Utopia