Monthly Update #8-2023

Welcome to the EIGHTH music update of 2023

I'm going to start with the bad news, and if you can survive that you can read on to the good news.

Bad news: I caught covid (again) at the start of the month and it took me out flat for a solid two weeks. So I haven't nearly been able to do as much as I wanted.

Good news: I survived! And I have managed to complete one new piece of EU4 music this month, which hopefully will be released soon. Looking forward I am aiming to release at least three pieces before the end of the year, all EU4-related. That includes the annual Christmas Song, which this year will be Third Odyssey themed. The other two pieces will be a main theme for the upcoming Post Finem mod and a theme for a new Ante Bellum inspired mod.

Finally, all going well, I hope to be able to sneak in one or two more things before the end of the year. Back around February/March I had the opportunity to work on something a little more special and the pipeline around that looks like it's finally moving to completion!

I realise this is a bit of a short update, and the next update will probably be short too. I am keeping a low profile to the end of the year while I think about what I want to do next - now that I achieved my initial goal of making some official EU4 music. I will be sharing my thoughts on this at the year-end update on Dec31/Jan 1.

(yes, that means no Anbennar OST this year like originally promised; but hopefully the EU4 Music Pack was a worthy trade-off!)


- Utopia