Monthly Update #5-2023

Welcome to the Fifth music update of 2023

I'll jump straight into the good news: A new album of music is (basically) complete and in the next few days will be shipped off to go through the publishing pipeline. This is the first of two projects being worked on before I begin on the Anbennar Original Soundtrack. In my (totally unbiased) opinion this is the best sounding set of music in the Utopia family so far, so I'm really excited to share it soon and see what you think!

Keep an eye out for more info in Q3!

The Past

A quick recap over the last month saw the release of new main theme music for Imperium Universalis and Extended Timeline! These are two awesome pieces of music that try to tell a compelling story through music. For Imperium Universalis, it is the story of a Roman Army marching down the road to Rome, and for Extended Timeline it is, well, everything, from early human tribes to grandiose space exploration.

Since the last update we also saw the release of the Ante Bellum 1.9 Announcement Trailer, and a glimpse of the new music track Blood and Iron.

The Future

There is only one release planned for next month: a new main theme for the in-development mod: The Three Queens. The mod is focussed on England and France and so the music takes those corresponding themes and intertwines them together. Then, following a short period of quiet your patience will be compensated in July by Utopia's first double-release week since January 2022. Two releases in a week? Awesome!

Then, of course, there is the upcoming album which I've already mentioned.

Also, I'll add that I'm thinking next month's update may be a more generic mid-year update on July 1, so we shall see.


- Utopia